A simple web app for helping to make a good Confession! No data is stored on the server. All data is stored within the page. Refreshing will clear your confession. I hope you find this helpful.
How to Use: Click/tap on a sin to increment the # of Times committed. Click/Tap on the # of Times to decrease the number. Sins will be listed at the end of the examination along with some basic Confession text.
Examination of Conscience
First Commandment:
I am the LORD your God. You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.
Sin |
# Times |
| Disobeyed the commandments of God or the Church? | 0 |
| Refused to accept what God has revealed as true, or what the Catholic Church proposes for belief? | 0 |
| Denied the existence of God? | 0 |
| Nourished and protected my faith? | 0 |
| Rejected everything opposed to a sound faith? | 0 |
| Deliberately misled others about doctrine or the faith? | 0 |
| Rejected the Catholic faith, joined another Christian denomination, or joined or practiced another religion? | 0 |
| Joined a group forbidden to Catholics (Masons, communists, etc.)? | 0 |
| Despaired about my salvation or the forgiveness of my sins? | 0 |
| Presumed on God’s mercy? (Committing a sin in expectation of forgiveness, or asking for forgiveness without conversion and practicing virtue.) | 0 |
| Loved someone or something more than God (money, power, sex, ambition, etc.)? | 0 |
| Let someone or something influence my choices more than God? | 0 |
| Engaged in superstitious practices? (Incl. horoscopes, fortune tellers, etc.) | 0 |
| Been involved in the occult? (Seances, ouija board, worship of Satan, etc.) | 0 |
| Formally left the Catholic Church? | 0 |
| Hidden a serious sin or told a lie in confession? | 0 |
Second Commandment:
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Sin |
# Times |
| Used the name of God in cursing or blasphemy? | 0 |
| Failed to keep vows or promises that I have made to God? | 0 |
| Spoken about the Faith, the Church, the saints, or sacred things with irreverence, hatred or defiance? | 0 |
| Watched television or movies, or listened to music that treated God, the Church, the saints, or sacred things irreverently? | 0 |
| Used vulgar, suggestive or obscene speech? | 0 |
| Belittled others in my speech? | 0 |
| Behaved disrespectfully in Church? | 0 |
| Misused places or things set apart for the worship of God? | 0 |
| Committed perjury? (Breaking an oath or lying under oath.) | 0 |
| Blamed God for my failings? | 0 |
Third Commandment:
Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
Sin |
# Times |
| Set time aside each day for personal prayer to God? | 0 |
| Missed Mass on Sunday or Holy Days (through own fault w/o sufficient reason)? | 0 |
| Committed a sacrilege against the Blessed Sacrament? | 0 |
| Received a sacrament while in the state of mortal sin? | 0 |
| Habitually come late to and/or leave early from Mass without a good reason? | 0 |
| Shop, labor, or do business unnecessarily on Sunday or other Holy Days of Obligation? | 0 |
| Not attend to taking my children to Mass? | 0 |
| Knowingly eat meat on a forbidden day (or not fasting on a fast day)? | 0 |
| Eat or drink within one hour of receiving Communion (other than medical need)? | 0 |
Fourth Commandment:
Honor your father and your mother.
Sin |
# Times |
| Neglected the needs of my parents in their old age or in their time of need? | 0 |
| Neglected to give my children proper food, clothing, shelter, education, discipline and care (even after Confirmation)? | 0 |
| Provided for the religious education and formation of my children for as long as they are under my care? | 0 |
| Ensured that my children still under my care regularly frequent the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion? | 0 |
| Educated my children in a way that corresponds to my religious convictions? | 0 |
| Provided my children with a positive, prudent and personalized education in the Catholic teaching on human sexuality? | 0 |
| Been to my children a good example of how to live the Catholic Faith? | 0 |
| Prayed with and for my children? | 0 |
| Lived in humble obedience to those who legitimately exercise authority over me? | 0 |
| Have I broken the law? | 0 |
| Have I supported or voted for a politician whose positions are opposed to the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church? | 0 |
Fifth Commandment:
You shall not kill.
Sin |
# Times |
| Unjustly and intentionally killed a human being? | 0 |
| Been involved in an abortion, directly or indirectly (through advice, etc.)? | 0 |
| Seriously considered or attempted suicide? | 0 |
| Supported, promoted or encouraged the practice of assisted suicide or mercy killing? | 0 |
| Deliberately desired to kill an innocent human being? | 0 |
| Unjustly inflicted bodily harm an another person? | 0 |
| Unjustly threatened another person with bodily harm? | 0 |
| Verbally or emotionally abused another person? | 0 |
| Hated another person, or wished him evil? | 0 |
| Been prejudiced, or unjustly discriminated against others because of their race, color, nationality, sex or religion? | 0 |
| Joined a hate group? | 0 |
| Purposely provoked another by teasing or nagging? | 0 |
| Recklessly endangered my life or health, or that of another, by my actions? | 0 |
| Driven recklessly or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs? | 0 |
| Abused alcohol or other drugs? | 0 |
| Sold or given drugs to others to use for non-therapeutic purposes? | 0 |
| Used tobacco immoderately? | 0 |
| Over-eaten? | 0 |
| Encouraged others to sin by giving scandal? | 0 |
| Helped another to commit a mortal sin (through advice, driving them somewhere, etc.)? | 0 |
| Caused serious injury or death by criminal neglect? | 0 |
| Indulged in serious anger? | 0 |
| Refused to control my temper? | 0 |
| Been mean to, quarreled with, or willfully hurt someone? | 0 |
| Been unforgiving to others, when mercy or pardon was requested? | 0 |
| Sought revenge or hoped something bad would happen to someone? | 0 |
| Delighted to see someone else get hurt or suffer? | 0 |
| Treated animals cruelly, causing them to suffer or die needlessly? | 0 |
Sixth and Ninth Commandments:
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
Sin |
# Times |
| Practiced the virtue of chastity? | 0 |
| Given in to lust? (The desire for sexual pleasure unrelated to spousal love in marriage.) | 0 |
| Used an artificial means of birth control? | 0 |
| Refused to be open to conception, without just cause? (Catechism, 2368) | 0 |
| Participated in immoral techniques for in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination? | 0 |
| Sterilized my sex organs for contraceptive purposes? | 0 |
| Deprived my spouse of the marital right, without just cause? | 0 |
| Claimed my own marital right without concern for my spouse? | 0 |
| Deliberately caused male climax outside of normal sexual intercourse? (Catechism, 2366) | 0 |
| Willfully entertained impure thoughts? | 0 |
| Purchased, viewed, or made use of pornography? | 0 |
| Watched movies and television that involve sex and nudity? | 0 |
| Listened to music or jokes that are harmful to purity? | 0 |
| Committed adultery? (Sexual relations with someone who is married, or with someone other than my spouse.) | 0 |
| Committed incest? (Sexual relations with a relative or in-law.) | 0 |
| Committed fornication? (Sexual relations with someone of the opposite sex when neither of us is married.) | 0 |
| Engaged in homosexual activity? (Sexual activity with someone of the same sex.) | 0 |
| Committed rape? | 0 |
| Masturbated? (Deliberate stimulation of one’s own sexual organs for sexual pleasure.) | 0 |
| Engaged in sexual foreplay (petting) reserved for marriage? | 0 |
| Preyed upon children or youth for my sexual pleasure? | 0 |
| Engaged in unnatural sexual activities? | 0 |
| Engaged in prostitution, or paid for the services of a prostitute? | 0 |
| Seduced someone, or allowed myself to be seduced? | 0 |
| Made uninvited and unwelcome sexual advances toward another? | 0 |
| Purposely dressed immodestly? | 0 |
Seventh and Tenth Commandments:
You shall not steal.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
Sin |
# Times |
| Stolen? (Take something that doesn’t belong to me against the reasonable will of the owner.) | 0 |
| Envied others on account of their possessions? | 0 |
| Tried to live in a spirit of Gospel poverty and simplicity? | 0 |
| Given generously to others in need? | 0 |
| Considered that God has provided me with money so that I might use it to benefit others, as well as for my own legitimate needs? | 0 |
| Freed myself from a consumer mentality? | 0 |
| Practiced the works of mercy? | 0 |
| Deliberately defaced, destroyed or lost another?s property? | 0 |
| Cheated on a test, taxes, sports, games, or in business? | 0 |
| Squandered money in compulsive gambling? | 0 |
| Make a false claim to an insurance company? | 0 |
| Paid my employees a living wage, or failed to give a full day’s work for a full day’s pay? | 0 |
| Failed to honor my part of a contract? | 0 |
| Failed to make good on a debt? | 0 |
| Overcharge someone, especially to take advantage of another?s hardship or ignorance? | 0 |
| Misused natural resources? | 0 |
Eighth Commandment:
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Sin |
# Times |
| Lied? | 0 |
| Knowingly and willfully deceived another? | 0 |
| Perjured myself under oath? | 0 |
| Gossiped? | 0 |
| Committed detraction? (Destroying a person’s reputation by telling others about his faults for no good reason.) | 0 |
| Committed slander or calumny? (Telling lies about another person in order to destroy his reputation.) | 0 |
| Committed libel? (Writing lies about another person in order to destroy his reputation.) | 0 |
| Been guilty of rash judgment? (Assuming the worst of another person based on circumstantial evidence.) | 0 |
| Failed to make reparation for a lie I told, or for harm done to a person’s reputation? | 0 |
| Failed to speak out in defense of the Catholic Faith, the Church, or of another person? | 0 |
| Betrayed another’s confidence through speech? | 0 |
First Precept of the Church:
You shall attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.
Sin |
# Times |
| (see examination under the Third Commandment) | 0 |
Second Precept of the Church:
You shall confess your sins at least once a year.
Sin |
# Times |
| Made a good Confession of my mortal sins least once a year? | 0 |
| Purposely omitted telling my mortal sins in my last Confession? | 0 |
| Performed the penance I was given? | 0 |
| Made reparation for any harm I have done to others? | 0 |
Third Precept of the Church:
You shall humbly receive your Creator in Holy Communion at least during the Easter season.
Sin |
# Times |
| Fulfilled my Easter duty to receive Holy Communion at least once between the First Sunday of Lent and Trinity Sunday? | 0 |
| Received Holy Communion while in the state of mortal sin? | 0 |
| Fasted an hour before receiving Holy Communion? | 0 |
| Received Holy Communion more than twice in one day? | 0 |
Fourth Precept of the Church:
You shall keep holy the Holy days of Obligation.
Sin |
# Times |
| (see examination under the Third Commandment) | 0 |
Fifth Precept of the Church:
You shall observe the prescribed days of fasting and abstinence.
Sin |
# Times |
| Done penance every Friday, if not abstaining from meat, then some other form of penance? | 0 |
| Abstained from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent (if I am 14 years of age or older)? | 0 |
| Fasted on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday (if I am between the ages of 18 and 59)? | 0 |
| Spent time in prayer, doing spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and practicing self-denial? | 0 |
Sixth Precept of the Church:
You shall contribute to the support of the Church.
Sin |
# Times |
| Contributed a just amount of my time, talents and money to support my parish and the work of the Church? | 0 |
Seventh Precept of the Church:
You shall observe the laws of the Church concerning marriage.
Sin |
# Times |
| Been living in a valid and licit marriage according to the laws of the Catholic Church? | 0 |
| Abandoned my spouse and family by separation or divorce? | 0 |
| Kept company with someone whom I cannot marry in the Catholic Church? | 0 |
| Given scandal by living with a member of the opposite sex without the benefit of a marriage blessed by the Catholic Church? | 0 |
| Entered into marriage with more than one person at the same time? | 0 |
Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It's been XX days/weeks/months since my last confession and in that time I have ...
... for these and all sins that I'm not currently able to recall I am truly sorry.
Act of Contrition:
O MY GOD, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.